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Implementing a digital learning environment

A recent assignment for ETL523 has prompted me to consider how to implement a digital learning environment within my school context. I have revised my original model to be more generic, but I'm interested to hear how others have or would approach this change process.

1. Gather and evaluate information

To make informed decisions regarding the strategic direction of ICT at the school, senior leaders and the school board should gather information and data about current and future technology and pedagogy trends. This information should be analysed and considered within the specific context of the school, considering major issues, enablers and barriers.

2. Seek consultation from stakeholders

All members of the school community including students, staff, parents, school leadership and relevant directorate personnel should have opportunities to provide feedback as to desired aims for the digital learning environment.

3. Develop strategic vision and goals

These should be included within the School Strategic Plan, with measurable success criteria.

4. Develop policy, procedure and guideline documents

Whilst State/Territory Government and education directorate policy and guideline documents may exist, development of school specific policies, procedure and guidelines will support the transition to a digital learning environment. In particular, development of these will establish ICT expectations and support clear communication and implementation workflow. These should be reviewed regularly.

5. Consider leadership roles and staffing model

To effectively implement a digital learning community, desired ICT leadership role responsibilities and available staff resourcing must be considered. This may require creation of new positions or role descriptions, or reallocation of staff resources. These should be reassessed annually.

6. Engage in professional learning for staff and school community

Staff who feel empowered to use ICT to enhance teaching and learning are essential to the success of the digital learning environment and improved learning outcomes for students (Lindsay & Davis, 2013, p. 186-187). A sustainable method of professional learning should be established to build the capacity and attitudes of the staff and wider school community. This may include external professional learning, internal mentoring and peer coaching, or information sessions/resources.

7. Development of ICT enhanced pedagogy

ICT itself is not the learning, ICT is the tool by which learners can engage with an increasingly digital world (Lindsay, 2016a; Lindsay, 2016b). Therefore tools such as the Australian Curriculum ICT capability learning continuum should be used to develop age appropriate units of inquiry which use ICT to enhance learning.

8. Assess and review

A sustainable cycle of data assessment and review against the identified strategic goals should be established. This process should include all stakeholders could align with annual reports to the school board and development of future strategic plans.


Lindsay, J. (2016a, 15 June). Global education: Supporting collaborative teaching and learning. In Pearson Education [blog]. Retrieved from Pearson Education website:

Lindsay, J. (2016b, 22 June). Global education: Leading pedagogical change in a flat world. In Pearson Education [blog]. Retrieved from Pearson Education website:

Lindsay, J. & Davis, V. (2013). Flattening classroom, engaging minds: Move to global collaboration one step at a time. Pearson, Upper Saddle River, NJ.

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